Friday, May 29, 2009

I, in no way believe in fucking over artists/musicians. Aside of the inconceivable amount of work and torturous desperation it takes to even get started. not to mention the egoexplosion-auto-consumption. "Look at me!" i suck.....i hope they like it....i love it..."Does it sound ok?"
"takes more than talent" and requires a certain degree of mental know...borderline personality disorder with a psychotic dissociative slant, to level out the self deception and self deprecation. Over thinking sudo intellectual babble-bigwordbullshit...... what was the point...? oh i got an email from some online music promotional company...offering a lot of useless services in the name of a serious and good cause. As if they had found us....discovered our overwhelming talent........of course any promotional service costs money, in this case an unmentioned fee ($5-600.00) in reality this boiler room style scamhole steals a few hundred (probably the only bucks) from any and every band on myspace that falls for the (almost personal) form letter pitch....shameless solicitation which no legitimate company would resort to. A disgusting predatory tactic that really just brings to light the issue of dreamers thinking they will be the "next big thing" without ever doing the leg work. So on the one hand it's 'your own fault' and serves'em right ignorance profiteering. An ass to fill every seat, selling idiots a piece of their own gullibility. On the other, it's sad and takes advantage of naive artists who should stay out of the business end of music for a reason. "shut up and play your guitar" if the music industry is where you want to take your creations, then get a manager...and one with integrity, and some business sense or experience....T..B...Cntnd...

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